Topic: A recent shooting at an Arizonian college kills one, injures three.
Title: Four Delta Chi fraternity members shot — one fatally — at Northern Arizona University
Source: The Washington Post
Summary: At Northern Arizona University, a recent shooting at one of the dorms injures three students and kills one. The violent act was suspected to be committed by 18-year-old freshmen Steven Jones. However, Jones seems not have a reason to have shot the four students he did, but the seem to simply be victims of opportunity. But life goes on in Flagstaff, Arizona. The university is now secure and safe once again.
Reaction: I am shocked at this news. Shootings have become a major problem within the U.S.; however, most shootings are reserved to high schools, theatres, or stores. Rarely are colleges the place of these violent acts. The amount of shootings is increasing dangerously fast, and the range of the attacks are expanding. This is a problem that needs to be controlled and fixed. Otherwise, nobody will be safe anywhere.