
Touch makes life better in my opinion .With touch we can feel our parents hugs and their kisses .With touch we can feel the warm breeze on our skin .With touch we can feel material whether it’s soft and silky or will rub your skin raw .Also,with touch we can feel things around us.

Without touch I would not be able feel anything and that would worry me .I would have trouble walking .That would because I would always fall .I’m clumsy now I’d be five times more clumsy .I would also have trouble to hold anything because;I wouldn’t be able to feel if I’m holding it firmly or if I about to drop it .Without touch I couldn’t feel if I was bleeding unless I saw it because I wouldn’t be able to feel the pain.


Fur as white as snow
Eyes so gold they shine
all describe you
so sneaky you can get away with anything
you were not safe at your old home
took in  by us
so much like our old cat
just one difference
your deaf.


goes your ear
as I silently sneak up behind so you won`t hear.

away from me
before I have time to get on my knee.

is what I give.


up you go
but your too slow.

As I catch you
you scramble away
looks like i`m not catching you today.


It was a chilly night at my house. I was watching TV while my mom was in her room on her laptop. I had  just check the fire and was heading to her room. As I walked past she called me back.She told something that changed my frown upside down.

    My mom told me that someone on Facebook said that they had a cat that was deaf and that they couldn`t keep it,because they had big dogs. My mom said she was thinking about getting it.She said she was going to email them,and she tell me if they emailed her back.After that I was tired and all I wanted to do was to sleep  I went to bed.
    The next morning I went into the living room to find my mom on the couch.I went and plopped down on another one.I asked my mom if there was anything to report and she said no.She said if there was anything she tell me.A few hours later I asked my mom the same question and she said “yes”.I was so excited I jumped up and down.She said we pick her in a few days.I asked if she had a name.My mom said they  named her Alice because she`s ditsy like Alice in Wonderland.After that she had to explain what ditsy meant.
    A few days later  my mom left to go pick her up.When she got back  I inspected  Alice.She was pure white with a pink belly.She also had lovely green eyes.Even though she couldn`t hear I still love her.After that we Showed Alice the litter and introduced her to my dogs.Finally she met my other cat.Which was a big deal,because we didn`t know what would happen.
    When Alice and Kitty,our other cat ,first met they at first hissed at each other.I think Kitty was trying to obtain dominance over Alice,because this was Kitty`s home first.The next day they did get closer without hissing at.Well at least they`re getting better.

Sister Moon

Do  you see it rise and fall from the sky
rise in the night
fall in the day.
Opposite from the Sun in every trait
how you shine in every way
sister,sister,sister moon
come home today
and never go away. 

What Am I?

One side is light one side is black.I float in the sky circling 2 things again and again.Nothing can stop my rotation.What am I?See if you can figure it out.If you do post it.I`ll look in a few days ,so post.Please! :] 😉

Roses are Red

‘’Roses are red’’
and I said that to you
you said back
,’’why so blue,’’
I replied  ,’’because my dog has the flu,’’
so he said ,’’to bad for you
I said ,’’rude,’’
so he said,’’you to!’’.


White and black
soft and smooth
green eyes like
nose so pink it reminds me of
cotton candy
personalty spunky,courageous,kind and
he was a good hunter always could catch
he had cat friends around the neighborhood.
always could taunt my dogs cause they could never catch
He was then, but not now
he`s gone know no longer here
so pay some respect and moment of silence.

My Cat`s Life Story

“Daddy, daddy he can`t move!” “Don`t freak out.’’Ok let me stop it right here and tell you whats going on.It all started when my mom brought a five month kitten home.My dad had always wanted a fat cat but,this kitten wasn`t going to be one.One of my sisters wanted to name it Oswald.I didn`t like it but,it stuck.He always brought us what he could catch.He once caught a baby bird and the parents dive bombed him for weeks!The dogs and cat always played with each other.He would always do flips and tackle our little dog,Sophie,down.One warm,summer night my dad and I came home only to find my cat meowing funny.I thought something looked fishy so I  decided to investigate.I could barely touch him or he would cry in pain as I carried him inside.He couldn`t stand or walk .So when he was trying to get to the litter box we didn`t notice which ended with a accident happening.So my dad cleaned it up.My dad and I decided to take him to a vet.He had two more accidents on the way to the vet.The vet examined him.She took him to the x-ray.She showed us his pelvis.It turned out to be broken in two places.She told us one was major and if we wanted to not euthanize him he might not walk again.After that we drove home.The next day he was worse!He was peeing blood, it was horrible.My family and me discussed the matter.We decided we should what was best for him.So my dad drove down and told him to euthanize.They asked if he wanted to watch,but he couldn`t.Since then it`s been a month.People say that to get over a pet get a new one.Well we did.Her name is kitty/Daisy but she could never wipe my memory of him.