Double standards women have to deal with

Topic: Double-Standards Women Have to Deal With

Title: Be pretty, but not too pretty: Why women just can’t win

Source: The Washington post

Summary: Women can’t win in today’s society. They deal with multiple standards that they will never be able to fulfill to a ‘T’. Women have to take charge or be called docile and weak- but not too much charge because then they are bossy and pushy. Women have all these roles they are supposed to fulfill but it’s impossible for them to do so. For women, there’s no win-win or even win-those situation; there’s no in between for women.

Reaction: I agree with this article 100 percent. Women have countless standards that they have to meet but will never be able to.They have to be this, but not too much of this. They have to do this, but not too much of this.They have to think like this, act like this, talk like this, dress like this- but never too much of whatever this happens to be. And then, when women raise their voices to try and point out this problem, people hit them with the ‘why should it matter?’s. People say to just stop worrying about it- why cater to them? Their opinions don’t matter, right?- yet that’s impossible. In a world where a person is judge constantly and people rarely look very far past the surface, a woman can’t just ignore it. It’s in their faces, in their ears, in their heads constantly: “You are so ____!” “That’s not very ladylike!” “You are so bossy!” “I bet she slept with the boss to get that job!” “She’s so cold!” “She’s so emotional; I guess she’s PMS-ing.”
In a world where women are told to stand up, but not by too much, it’s hard to ignore the comments made by just about everyone.

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