The Accidental Movie Star

Ever feel like no one cares about you? In the Accidental Movie Star by Emily Evans, a girl named Ashley Herrington has a lot of those moments while experiencing the chance of a lifetime.

    Ashley Herrington  gets a chance of a lifetime to work at a movie studio because of her dad. At the beginning  it states, ”Dad didn’t show up,” (she’s at the airport) and  as the book progresses you get a feeling as if she thinks people don’t care about her,except her best friend (Marissa) and her mom.

During the story she meets another main character ,a superstar name Caspian (Caz). They don’t exactly hit it off ,but quickly become friends. Also, she becomes part of the movie because she was told by the director to get in front of the camera and teaches Caz a thing or two. I can relate to this book because I sometimes feel as if no one cares. I think everyone does.

I loved this book ,and recommend it for teenagers who like a tad bit of romance, mostly for girls.